Truisms II
Alexander Theroux
November 5, 2024
ISBN 9798218545178 Paperback / 452 pages / $24.99
ISBN 9798218501648 Hardcover / 452 pages / $30.99

In his latest work, Truisms II, Alexander Theroux revisits a favorite subject of his—a second volume of original insights he calls "truisms"—each one a repository of what he believes to be the inevitable or irresistible ever-fixed marks he has observed over a lifetime of reading, thinking, and writing.

While a truism's insistent authenticity lends it an air of dogma, this quality can also make it controversial and invite scorn. These vigorous truths, in a sense, compel or even tyrannize the reader, presenting an imperative that demands belief. As the Prologue in this new volume explains, the truisms confront the individual to challenge or contest them as fact.

Much like its 2022 predecessor Truisms, this is a book that will resonate for generations to come.


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