The Game
Izzy Abrahami
September 14, 2021 / 200 pages
ISBN 9780578964317 Paperback / $15.99

Originally published in the U.S. in 1973 by Charles Scribner's Sons.

"Once you pick it up, you can't stop reading it. . . . There's nothing like it in our experience and yet you like it at once."
— Walter James Miller, Reader's Almanac, WNYC

"I have read this novel with pleasure and admiration. It is beautifully contrived, ingenious, economical, thoroughly convincing. It is also witty and civilised, and . . . must earn a kind of astonished applause."
— Anthony Burgess

"Izzy Abrahami is a natural storyteller. The Game is delicious satire: droll, rather sneaky, always intelligent. It is a fine first novel. It is also what it beholds, a game, and as such is great fun."
— Israel Horovitz


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